New Thought Center of Hawai`i

A Sanctuary of Aloha for the nourishment, development, and evolution of each individual's unique spiritual path.

Attend in person (masks optional)

CLICK HERE to watch livestream on YOUTUBE 

We are located at:

Pualani Terrace,
81-6587 Mamalahoa Hwy
Building C302 in Kealakekua,
next door to Antiques and Ice Cream (large red building on makai/ocean side of the highway.  From south we are on the left, just a few tenths of a mile past Konawaena School Road traffic light.

Phone:  808-323-2232

for email:   [email protected]

for mail: P.O. Box 333, Kealakekua, HI 96750

Our facilities are handicap friendly with lots of paved parking area.
Childcare is provided at Sunday morning services.

For more information about New Thought, a map and what we offer please visit our website at:

Our officers for 2024-2025 year are:

Pasha MacGregor, President
[email protected]

Stephen Goss,
Vice President
970 319 6900
[email protected]

Margie Bourgeois
Treasurer -
808 464-1625
[email protected]

Ramona Owen

SUNDAY, March 23, 2025
10 AM
Upcoming Presenters 
3/30: Donna Maria Bordeaux, "Elevating our Individual and Collective Consciousness; a Positive Path Forward with Noble Leadership", Music by Jean-Pierre Thoma
4/6: Vyana Reynolds, " The Siren’s Song – Ancient Oracles, and When Women Sing the World Back Into Harmony", Music by Vibhoda
4/13:  Jin An Wong, Music by Shawna Bradfield
4/20: (Easter) Craig Villarrubia, Music by Colleen Yost
4/27: Woody Plaut, "Amazing Torah Story"  Music by Woody & Aviva
5/4: Arliss Dudley-Cash
5/11: Jen Lighty
5/25: Keola Genevieve Brunet, Music by Dan Brunet
6/1: Kumu Keala Ching, program & music
6/22: Marya Mann, Summer Solstice Ceremony
7/6: Arliss Dudley-Cash
8/3: Kumu Keala Ching, program & music
10/5: Arliss Dudley-Cash

Events page or click HERE 

For more information about workshops  go to our Events Page

For links to archived speaker videos on YouTube, visit our Archives of Speakers

Inspiration from India
Pasha MacGregor and Jean Love
Music by Spark of Spirit
In mid-February Pasha MacGregor and Jean Love embarked on a trip to India. At the core of their visit was a week-long spiritual retreat in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains. In addition they spent a few days in Rishikesh, a north Indian town on the banks of the Ganges River, and in the capital city of Delhi where they met swamis of the Ramakrishna order. 

This Sunday at New Thought Center Jean and Pasha will share what inspired them and what they learned from the experience.
In keeping with the theme, the musical duo “Spark of Spirit” (Farley and Ola Sangels) will perform Indian music in the kirtan style.

Neither Pasha nor Jean had been to India previously. The opportunity was made possible by the gracious invitation of Robert Kindler. “Babaji Bob” as he is commonly known, is the founder and Spiritual Director of S.R.V. (Sarada Ramakrishna Vivekananda) Associations with centers in Waimea and on the west coast of the United States. He is a longtime friend of New Thought Center, having shared his wisdom teachings and his musical talents with our community on many occasions over the past quarter century. He was the organizer of this journey and the primary teacher during the retreat. 

Pasha MacGregor is the past president of the New Thought Board of Trustees. She has served on the Board since 1997 with the exception of two one-year “sabbaticals.” A resident of Kona since 2001, Jean became a member of NTCH in 2007. She had over a decade of experience with Unity and Religious Science churches prior to that time including service as a chaplain for Unity of Kona.

Both Jean and Pasha were introduced to the inspired teachings of India in their youth and have studied classics such as the Bhagavad Gita and the yoga aphorisms of Patanjali. As a young woman Jean attended services at the Self-Realization Fellowship in Hollywood, California. Pasha and her husband Rob studied with Master Subramuniya, known for the monastery and Hindu temple he established on Kauai, from 1968 to 1976.