New Thought Center of Hawai`i

A Sanctuary of Aloha for the nourishment, development, and evolution of each individual's spiritual path.
Weaving a Lei of Love 
It's ALL Consciousness
with Libby O'Day
In the mid 1800's to the early 1900's a wave of influence from associating with Eastern spirituality changed Western minds forever. Two of the most influential early thinkers in New Thought were Judge Thomas Troward (who was a district magistrate for a region in Northern India) and an American clockmaker who experimented with mesmerism, or hypnosis, Phineas Parkhurst Quimby. They were all stunned with the realization that our thoughts can alter our experience. An explosive vitality came alive in both Europe and America, as this revolutionary realization created a whole new movement in religion. And they came up with philosophies and practices to support and enhance their beliefs.
Around the same time a wave of profound revitalization in ancient Indian spiritual traditions, influenced to a degree by Christian missionaries via the Brahmo Samaj and other organizations, was changing Indian thought. Sri Ramakrishna was born at this revolutionary time in Bengal India and his genius was to prove through his own experience the truth of the prominent religions of his time. The shock wave of his realizations created the Vedanta movement around the world. Swami Vivekananda, Americas first guru, was Ramakrishna's ambassador to the West. Vivekananda arrived in the United States in 1893 to speak at the World Parliament of Religions - and we have never been the same since. He was greeted by a standing ovation of close to 20 minutes, as though something in those mid-western Americans recognized the spiritual genius they had been waiting for. For the next eight years he traveled extensively throughout Europe and America, giving lectures, initiating disciples and leaving behind the beginnings of the Vedanta Centers in the West.

Many other great spiritual geniuses, with similar harmonizing visions of Truth being One, were born and and brought their vision to the world at this incredible time, too many to name here, but a few are Ramana Maharshi, Sri Nisgaradatta, Parahamsa Yogananda, Sri Aurobindo, and Swami Laksmanjoo. (Add to this great flowering of spiritual wisdom the diaspora of Tibet, and the arrival of depth Tibetan spiritual tradition to the West! What a time to be alive this is.)

At its core, New Thought comes down to consciousness. More than the thoughts we think, or the suggestions given to the subjective (subconscious) mind through affirmations or intentions, our consciousness creates. The talk on June 11 seeks to underpin the powerful New thought tools for creating higher states of consciousness, and thereby more blissful lived realities, with ancient skills and techniques. We humans have been at this for most of our time as humans, and great wisdom has been lost, found again and revitalized for modern use. As we enter this golden age of mass awakening, we are blessed with so much wisdom and guidance from many of the world's greatest traditions.

Reverend Elizabeth “Libby” O’Day served Center for Spiritual Living communities
as a senior pulpit minister for 12 years and as a licensed Practitioner since 1984.
She cofounded SoulWorks, a depth coaching program in 2015 and continues to
serve individuals in deepening their connection to Presence, and living their
soul’s purpose though workshops, retreats and individual sessions.
Her own spiritual life has been an eclectic mix of east and west. She began her
spiritual journey with an interest in Zen Buddhism, which then led to immersion in Vedanta as a monastic. After leaving the convent, Libby moved to Toronto, then Ireland, and landed in California in 1981. 

Libby explored New Thought and became a Religious Science Practitioner in 1984 at the Huntington Beach church of Religious Science. She studied with Rev. Dr. Peggy Bassett, Rev. Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith and many other fabulous New Thought teachers.

Now living on Maui, Libby is continuing to explore the connection between New
Thought and ancient wisdom, finding the truth of New Thought expressed in
ancient sutras, scriptures and traditions.